Your challenges
- To organise preventative maintenance
- To identify repeated malfunctions, “fragile” vehicles
- To view the fault/remote sensor codes
- To analyse by type/model of vehicle
- To act in plenty of time, depending on the severity of the fault/sensor code
Perform a complete remote diagnosis of the fleet

- View the company’s state of health on the web platform, without physically accessing the vehicle.
- And plan the work required.
View the manufacturer’s fault codes

MyActia offers you a “360° view” of the health status of the vehicle.
This feature is exclusive to ACTIA. Only ACTIA and its expertise in on-board electronics can offer this on the market.
- Check whether the vehicle is being driven respectfully by the driver (fuel consumption, eco-driving scores, etc.)
- Have a simple way of consulting the complete health of the vehicle (levels, temperatures, tyre pressures, etc.)
- See immediately if the state of the vehicle requires a trip to the service workshop (next overhaul, next M.O.T. inspection, presence or not of faults)
- View the presence, type and frequency of fault codes and their translation into textual wording, confirming the presence of a real problem in the vehicle (exclusive with the Actia Ican box)
Have a fleet that is ready to use at any time.

- Reduce unplanned off-road times.
- Determine the remaining number of kilometres before the next service
Become a responsive manager

Don’t go into the application, it will come to you. Thanks to instant notifications, configured à la carte and based on the severity criteria you set, any abnormal event will be reported to you and you can judge whether it’s necessary to send a vehicle that has broken down by the roadside into the dealership for repair.
Generate savings

Anticipate costly mechanical breakdowns by carrying out a timely check on the vehicle